Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Blessed Be Your Name!

"Blessed Be Your name
When I'm found in the desert place
Though I walk through the wilderness
Blessed Be Your name..."
~ Matt Redman ~
Lyrics from "Blessed be Your Name"

How do I respond to the deserts and wildernesses in my life? That is a question I often ask myself when challenges come my way. Sure there's all the little cliches that I try to remind myself in accordance to the Word, but my behavior, attitude and reactions to the situations around me are what really count!

I have to admit that many of my deserts are self-inflicted! Ugh, that's hard to admit! But it is true and I must face reality! I do not always make sure that I have reserved time to spend with my Lord! I all too often let other things consume my time each day instead of starting it off by giving it to Him. That begins a long list of problems that begin to steer me the wrong way.

I struggle with anger. Plain and simple laid out before my God ~ I daily face the challenge of keeping anger in check and under control. Another example of a self-inflicted wilderness and I am not always very happy with myself at the end of the day. I have learned the value of humbling myself before my children and asking for their forgiveness when I have been wrong! But the thing about anger is that it's simply a symptom of a greater problem. Not spending time with my Savior.

Admittedly I have not faced nearly the deserts and wildernesses that many of those around me have! I have been greatly blessed in mind, body and spirit. The gift of health and my beautiful children is enormous!

Blessed be your name! I need to praise him often! Blessed be your name! Regardless of my circumstances! Blessed be your name! What would happen if I remembered to do this throughout my day? Blessed be Your name! As I do the laundry . . . Blessed be Your name! As I do the dishes . . . Blessed be Your name! As I instruct the children . . . Blessed be Your name! As I make dinner . . . Blessed be Your name!

Would I feel like losing my cool nearly as often? I don't think so!!!! It is an attitude, a habit, a lifestyle of giving praise and glory and . . . my life daily, even hourly to Him! This attitude can change a life and definitely would change my perspective throughout each day as I encounter challenges, wildernesses, frustrations, deserts and more. I'm going to give it a try!

Blessed Be Your Name!